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mmf aotearoa



The following Code of Conduct is a guideline of what is expected of all  mentors, contractors and others, who work for, with or represent the Music Managers Forum Aotearoa. The purpose of this code is to guide Associates on MMF Aotearoa’s expectations and encourage professional, ethical and expert behaviours from our Associates. 

Failure to adhere to all points in the MMF Aotearoa’s Code of Conduct may result in the termination of the MMF Aotearoa’s relationship with an Associate.

1.    Scope of the Code of Conduct

a.    This Code of Conduct applies to:

· all contractors, consultants, mentors, associates, volunteers or representatives who are working for MMF NZ whether on a full-time, part-time, casual or temporary basis;

· people acting on the Executive Committee.

[collectively, Associates]

b.    This Code of Conduct also sets out MMF Aotearoa’s expectations of others who engage with MMF Aotearoa, for example members, rights holders and artists represented by MMF Aotearoa’s members, those who supply services to MMF Aotearoa and those who provide other means of personal, professional or financial support to MMF Aotearoa.

c.    This Code of Conduct applies whenever someone is acting on behalf of MMF Aotearoa, or is involved in any activity that is connected or supported by MMF Aotearoa, whether such activity when working from home, when attending external meetings, workshops, seminars or events including work related social events and online events.

d.    This Code of Conduct is to be read in conjunction with MMF Aotearoa’s agreements for engaging an Associate and all applicable MMF Aotearoa policies.

2.   Standards of Personal and Professional Behaviour

MMF Aotearoa Associates, are expected to:

a.   Conduct themselves in a manner which is professional and ethical, and which abides by best business practices and methods accepted in the New Zealand music industry and in compliance with relevant local laws;

b.   Conduct their duties and responsibilities to the highest standards of behaviour and with honesty, integrity, diligence, impartiality and responsiveness;

c.   Treat everyone they encounter with respect, fairness, courtesy and sensitivity and assist MMF Aotearoa in providing a safe, respectful and inclusive workspace;

d.  Recognise diversity in all its forms, being culturally aware and acting with respect towards all religious, gender and ethnic groups;

e.   Not engage in, condone or encourage any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment , sexual harassment including unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of a sexual nature, or any behaviour that creates or takes advantage of a power imbalance or which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.

f.   Follow all directions regarding health, safety and wellbeing, and be proactive in managing or notifying MMF Aotearoa of any potential situation that may be a risk to health, safety and wellbeing. Associates take all reasonable care of their own health and safety and not endanger themselves or others, this includes behaving responsibly in relation to the consumption of alcohol at work events and includes performing their role free from any illicit substances that may impair or adversely affect their performance.

g. Comply with any lawful and reasonable directions given by an authorised representative of MMF Aotearoa.

h. Be mindful of their position of influence and not take advantage of any power imbalance that may exist for personal or financial gain.

i.   Be mindful of and show proper consideration for other people’s privacy and avoid disclosure of any information that the Associate knows to be private or confidential.

j.  Be mindful of their language and behaviour around minors.

k.   Declare and disclose to the MMF Executive Committee any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interests that an Associate has with the MMF Aotearoa and manage these conflicts in consultation with MMF Aotearoa.

l.    Use any resources and information obtained from their relationship with MMF Aotearoa  in a proper manner and for a proper purpose

m.  Conduct themselves in a respectful manner with individuals and communities on social media and be transparent about who Associate represents or who Associate is speaking on behalf of. The Associate should act in a professional and constructive manner and use sound judgement with respect to all social media posts including being respectful of individuals’ opinions, especially when discussions become heated. The Associate should avoid posting content on social media that is obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminatory to MMF Aotearoa or any third party. The Associate must always abide by the terms of use of the social media platform with which the Associate interacts and seek to adhere to the cultural and behavioural norms on the particular platform. The Associate should respect other people’s intellectual property including ensuring that the Associate has permission to post third parties copyrights to any platform.

3.    Representing MMF Aotearoa

a.   MMF Aotearoa is a national independent not-for-profit trade association dedicated to helping grow artist manager businesses through education, networking and advocacy. Associates of MMF Aotearoa have a duty to act in the best interests of MMF Aotearoa and represent the organisation according to a high level of integrity and professionalism.

b.   Associates will ensure that their private activities do not bring MMF Aotearoa or its members or rights holders and artists that its members represent, into disrepute.

c.    If MMF Aotearoa Associates are approached for media or public comment on behalf of MMF Aotearoa, they will first take direction from the MMF Aotearoa Executive Committee.

d.   Associates will remain aware that comments made in a personal capacity in any form or media have the potential to reflect on the reputation of MMF Aotearoa and its activities.

4.    Reporting & Managing Breaches

a.   MMF Aotearoa is committed to ensuring all business activities and interactions are ethical and compliant with legislation, regulations, internal policies and community standards. This Code of Conduct provides an overview of MMF Aotearoa’s commitment to acting with integrity and professional standards. As such, if a person suspects a breach of this Code of Conduct has occurred, MMF Aotearoa encourages that person to speak up and they should immediately report the matter to the MMF Aotearoa Executive Committee.

b.   Any alleged breach of this Code of Conduct will be considered by the MMF Aotearoa Executive Committee on its own merits including reviewing the reasons for the breach and considering the individual circumstances.

c.    Behaviour or actions by an Associate that are found to be in breach of this Code of Conduct, or are considered to be unacceptable by the MMF Aotearoa Executive Committee in light of the objectives of this Code of Conduct including incidents or allegations made about an Associate which may adversely affect the interests or reputation of the MMF Aotearoa, may result in action being taken against those responsible for the breach. In other circumstances other appropriate action may be taken such as, removal from the Board or Executive Committee, withdrawal of funding or services, exclusion from future MMF Aotearoa activities, project or events.