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"I Go Side On"

"I Go Side On"

an exhibition celebrating the life and creative work of Hamish Kilgour that will include many examples of his artwork, music, videos, record cover designs, inspirations, photos and found art.


Many will know Hamish as the drummer and one of the songwriters with the Clean. He was also a prolific artist. Hamish encouraged and supported many performers and was integral to the flourishing international success of Flying Nun Records here in Otautahi.

The late 1980's saw Hamish settling in New York where he based himself for nearly 30 years, frequently returning to Aotearoa to perform while also catching up with family and friends. From 2018 he initiated his return to New Zealand to make Otautahi his home base again. He continued to paint, play music and engage with many - he was our last beatnik.

Sadly, Hamish left this mortal coil in 2022.

"I Go Side On" is in his memory, a tribute to a unique senstive being that touched the souls of many.