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Toni Huata takes you back to her roots and her core love for her family and Iwi

'MOHAKA' - a stunning new music video from Māori songstress Toni Huata, explores reconnection and family ties. Set against the spectacular landscape of Mohaka, Ngāti Kahungunu – Hawkes Bay, the NZ on Air funded video follows a developing friendship of two pre-teens.

Hot on the heels of Toni’s award winning music video Hopukia te tao (best Māori music video 2016) 'MOHAKA' has a country feel, stirring fond memories of a childhood free from the urban pressures. Toni Huata and Penn Productions are proud to premier 'MOHAKA' the music video at Waipapa a Iwi Mohaka Marae with a concert at 5pm on Saturday 4th March 2017.

“Toni Huata has nailed what is good in music. Sing what you know, blend it in with the right instruments and harmonies, but most importantly, when you sing from your roots your message transcends beyond what you could ever imagine”.

Toni Huata’s beautiful harmonies and arrangements of these songs written by her forefathers, are an ode to tīpuna, whānau and Iwi within the spirit of love and their legacy, all penned by Toni's grandfather Te Okanga Kahutapere (Aussie) Huata.

Uplifting and full of heart, the new recordings 'Mohaka', 'Ō Tākitimu' and 'Ngā Rori', tell stories of this poignant area and of sweet loving memories for land, family, Mohaka, Ngāti Kahungunu and to all those that connect to Tākitimu canoe.

Well known favourites from Toni's previous albums add to this delightful package.

K'o Wai Ka Hua' - a love jazz ballad written for Toni's grandmother Ngaro Rangi and the 28th Māori Battalion, 'Te Māori e' - commemorating the Te Māori exhibition journey to the USA in the 1980's, 'Whakarongo a tai' - celebrating connections to Pacific origins, 'Ngā Tukemata' - inspiring unity and strength, performed by Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga and 'Te Hokinga Mai' with Toni's heartfelt version with Karl Teariki, by Max Mariu, Tom Higgins and Te Taite Cooper.

‘Kahungunu Maranga’ is available in store and online from Feb 23rd 2017, distributed by DRM and ODE Records.  Also available for sale from Huia Publishers in the Whānau Village, Shop 38 at Te Matatini, Feb 23 - 26 2017.

Toni will also MC at this prestigious event and during the Kahungunu Festival. Toni also performs live in various venues in Napier during the Kahungunu Festival and Te Matatini. 

  • 24 February, 8:30pm, A Night of Drag, Bar 2013 Karamu Rd, Hastings. Tickets $25.00
  • 24 - 26 February, 8am - 8pm, Te Matatini 2017, HB Sports Park, Hastings, Toni MC
  • 25 February, 6 - 9pm, (Toni 8pm) FREE Kahungunu Beach Party, Marine Parade, Napier 
  • 24 - 26 February, 10am - 2pm, Kahungunu Pavillion, HB Sports Park, Hastings, Toni MC 
  • 4 March, 5 - 7pm, Concert & Mohaka music video launch, Waipapa a Iwi Marae in Mohaka, with Toni Huata, Brannigan Kaa, AdrianTangaroa Wagner, Peter & Noeline Hawkins and many more.