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Maisey Rika (Bossy Hill), Troy Kingi, Horomona Horo and Seth Haapu (Ani Merito) are travelling to Las Vegas to showcase Aotearoa Music at the Western Arts Alliance Conference taking place next week as the named group 'Finest of Aotearoa'.

To be 1 of the music groups selected to perform at WAA Las Vegas from around the world is testament Aotearoa Music is being recognised on a Global scale.

WAA is the biggest Arts conference on the West Coast of USA involving music, dance and theatre. It's a 4-day event where presenters, artists and agents share the goal of programming live performances and its filled with exhibits, performances, networking, speakers, classes and workshops that cultivates discovery, business insight, and connection.

'Finest of Aotearoa' are also fortunate enough to be attenting the symposium held as part of the new established 'Advancing Indigenous Performance' program (AIP).

AIP deepens support for Indigenous performing artists and touring networks in ways that are rooted in the shared values of openness, inclusion, equity and generosity. 

The initiative aims to provide educational and professional development resources for US-based Indigenous artists that will build audiences for Indigenous performing arts and reducing barriers for Indigenous Artists overseas.  


"Mā tou rourou, mā tōku rourou ka ora ai te iwi"  -  "With your contribution and our contribution we will make progress."