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Following personal struggles with mental health, 19-year-old Rory McDonald of alternative rock band Voodoo Bloo, has created a series of concerts to promote suicide awareness and prevention with Lifeline Aotearoa. In addition, Rory intends to interview singers from other bands about their experiences with mental health.

“Love is for the Beautiful – a Charity Gig” kicks off in Auckland at Neck of the Woods on October 17, featuring Skinny Hobos, Voodoo Bloo and Animalhead. And in Wellington at MEOW on November 28th , featuring Miss June, Voodoo Bloo and Curlys Jewels. Tickets are available through Facebook Events , priced at $20 with all sales going to Lifeline.

In conversation with Lifeline’s Clinical Manager, Renee Mathews, Rory commented: “New Zealand currently has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the world. So no matter where our music ends up, I think this could be a very relatable event for anyone going through things like depression or anxiety. My hope is that in that relatability they can use this as their own cathartic tool too.”

In conversation with Lifeline’s Clinical Manager, Renee Mathews, Rory commented: “New Zealand currently has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the world. So no matter where our music ends up, I think this could be a very relatable event for anyone going through things like depression or anxiety. My hope is that in that relatability they can use this as their own cathartic tool too.”

Clinical Manager, Renee Mathews added “I think it’s really important what Rory’s doing, especially for other young men out there, seeing the sort of positive choices they can make to stay well and get through experiences like this.”

Renee continued “Music can really pull you out of the depths. And it’s OK to ask for help. There’s no shame in it. All of us have times when it’s hard and we’re lonely and we feel sad and desperate. It’s courageous to express yourself creatively and if it’s getting too much you can always reach out by talking or texting.”