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Rachel Harrison

SoundCheck Aotearoa


Rachel Harrison comes from the Coromandel Peninsula and currently lives in Te Whanganui a Tara (Wellington) and works with organisations and communities across Aotearoa to help prevent sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence and child abuse.

Rachel believes that harassment, violence and abuse are preventable and that the best solutions are tailored to each specific community and workplace, making use of their strengths and minimising specific risk factors.

Rachel started at Auckland Rape Crisis in the 1990’s, and since then has worked at Netsafe, the Hauraki Family Violence Network and Child Abuse Prevention Services Hauraki. She is now self-employed and works with a range of public and private sector organisations including the New Zealand Defence Force, New Zealand Rugby, the screen sector, performance sector and music community as they work toward making their communities safe and free from harassment and abuse.