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Moderator: Joost Langeveld

A&R, BigPop


Joost is co-director of Bigpop - a resourceful ‘umbrella’ company assisting creatives realise their artistic dreams and aspirations, and providing viable pathways to enable artists to share their art with the world. Bigpop’s activities include A&R, music publishing, label services, music production and operating music/sound recording studio facilities.

Artists affiliated with the Bigpop extended whānau include CHAII, Isla Noon, TîMMY the First, Neil Macleod, Jujulipps, Abraham Kunin, Carawei Gao and Kings amongst others.

Joost’s history is varied and encompasses most facets of the music industry. Whether as a musician, composer, producer, A&R, collaborator and/or music industry entrepreneur he has been (and still is) a partner to a wide range of local and global facing projects.