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Releasing 23 August Smiley Face  is the final single from Manzo’s 11 track album Attachment – which reached No 2 in the NZ Indie album charts & No 17 in the NZ album charts in early August.

Manzo main-stay Allan Taotua takes the lead vocal on this introspective but optimistic track by songwriter Alan Hodgetts. The song celebrates breaking free of mediocrity and negativity, and being our true selves.

This third Manzo album & EP project has truly consolidated Manzo’s artists into a creative force.

As ever, the biggest payback for the Manzo artists has been the joy of working together and the friendships formed along the way.  While the Manzo ‘family’ is taking a well-deserved break till the new year – with Alan heading off for art studies in Italy, Manzo’s artists are already discussing the next project and live shows in summer 2020.