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The NZ Music Agencies are hosting a special online hui with some of NZ’s top Festival Bookers and Promoters, to be live-streamed on the NZ Music Managers Forum Facebook page and You Tube channel on Wednesday 24th June, starting at 6.30pm.

With New Zealand at Level 1, but the borders still closed for the immediate future, what does this loss of international performers mean for the local live industry, particularly in the lead up to what is traditionally a busy summer season?  Bookers from a range of New Zealand festivals and agencies will share their thoughts around what the live landscape might look like over the next year, and the opportunities this could present for NZ bands in the wake of Covid-19.

Joining us on the panel will be:

Bay Dreams/Audiology - Mitch Lowe

Eccles Touring/Frontier - Dave Munro   

Joes Farm NYE, Electric Avenue, Music For The People - Clayton Spence

Laneway - Mark Kneebone

Live Nation - Renee Hermsen

Music in Parks - Gavin Downie

Rhythm and Alps - Alex Turnbull

Rhythm and Vines - Hamish Pinkham/Dylan Cherry

Soundsplash - Brian and Naomi Ruawai

The online panel discussion will be live-streamed on the NZ MMF Facebook page and NZ MMF You Tube channel on Wednesday 24th June at 6.30pm. There will be the opportunity to ask questions during the hui via live chat and have them answered during the hour-long session.

For further information contact